Saturday, January 11, 2020

Movie Reviews The New York Times

Breard v. Alexandria Breard v. Alexandria upheld a city ordinance prohibiting unsolicited door-to-door sales, ruling that the ordinance did not violate the First Amendment... Carlson v. Landon Carlson v. Landon upheld the detention of resident aliens without bail. The decision split the court over the First Amendment rights of aliens...

Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Super Market of Massachusetts A Massachusetts law required supermarkets to remain closed on Sundays. A kosher supermarket appealed the law, but the court ruled that the law was... Wood v. Georgia Wood v. Georgia said a Georgia sheriff's criticism of local judges did not present a clear and present danger and was protected by the First Amendment... Baggett v. Bullitt Baggett v. Bullitt struck down a state law that mandated loyalty oaths for state employees, thereby interfering with their First Amendment rights of...

Freedmen's Bureau

Burnside v. Byars (5th Cir.) Burnside v. Byars (5th Cir. 1966) protected students’ First Amendment rights on school grounds. Ashton v. Kentucky Ashton v. Kentucky held that most criminal libel laws violated the First Amendment. Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts upheld a libel judgment and gave the Court the opportunity to clarify the First Amendment standard of libel for public... Zwickler v. Koota Zwickler v. Koota overturned a district court ruling that had turned down an appeal against a law criminalizing distribution of anonymous handbills...

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In 2001, the Supreme Court overturned a federal program that required mushroom producers to subsidize generic advertising for mushrooms. Zelman v. Simmons-Harris In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris , the Supreme Court said a state program allowing taxpayer money to fund school vouchers did not violate the First Amendment... Thompson v. Western States Medical Center Thompson v. Western States Medical Center ruled that a federal statutory prohibition on the advertisement of compounded drugs violated the First... Borgner v. Florida Board of Dentistry The Court in Borgner v. Florida Board of Dentistry declined to review a ruling upholding a law requiring dentists to include disclaimers in ads for... Virginia v. Hicks Virginia v. Hicks held that a trespassing policy of a public housing development was not facially invalid under the First Amendment’s overbreadth...


Scales v. United States Scales v. United States looked at the First Amendment right of association and upheld the conviction of Scales for being a member of the Communist Party... Engel v. Vitale Engel v. Vitale ruled that school-sponsored prayer in public schools violated the First Amendment even though participation in the prayer was voluntary... Abington School District v. Schempp Abington School District v. Schempp ended devotional exercises in public schools because the First Amendment forbade the recognition of one religion over...

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Sharecropping for Black and White farmers became more common as a way to spread the risk of owning land. The old abolitionist element in the North was aging away, or had lost interest, and was not replenished. Blacks had an increased voice in the Republican Party, but across the South it was divided by internal bickering and was rapidly losing its cohesion. Many local Black leaders started emphasizing individual economic progress in cooperation with White elites, rather than racial political progress in opposition to them, a conservative attitude that foreshadowed Booker T. Washington. Historian George C. Rable called such groups the "military arm of the Democratic Party".

Blizzard reverses World of Warcraft tailoring bans following outrage

Borough of Duryea v. Guarnieri Borough of Duryea v. Guarnieri addressed the issue of speech and petition by public employees under the First Amendment. United States v. Alvarez In 2012, the Supreme Court overturned the Stolen Valor Act as an infringement on free speech after the law was used to prosecute a man who falsely claimed to... Reichle v. Howards In Reichle v. Howards , the Court said there was not a First Amendment right to be free from a retaliatory arrest that is supported by probable cause... Knox v. Service Employees International Union In Knox v. Service Employees International Union , the Court struck down a union’s imposition of special dues applied to nonunion members to oppose two... Elane Photography v. Willock Elane Photography v. Willock said a law prohibiting wedding photographers from discriminating on basis of sexual orientation did not violate...

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In 2010, incumbent governor Pat Quinn was re-elected with 47% of the vote, while Republican Mark Kirk was elected to the Senate with 48% of the vote. In 2012, President Obama easily carried Illinois again, with 58% to Republican candidate Mitt Romney's 41%. In 2014, Republican Bruce Rauner defeated Governor Quinn 50% to 46% to become Illinois's first Republican governor in 12 years after being sworn in on January 12, 2015, while Democratic senator Dick Durbin was re-elected with 53% of the vote. In 2016, Hillary Clinton carried Illinois with 55% of the vote, and Tammy Duckworth defeated incumbent Mark Kirk 54% to 40%.

By the mid-1870s, the "conservatives" and Democrats had aligned with the national Democratic Party, which enthusiastically supported their cause even as the national Republican Party was losing interest in Southern affairs. In northern cities Grant contended with a strong immigrant, and particularly in New York City an Irish, anti-Reconstructionist Democratic bloc. Republicans sought to make inroads campaigning for the Irish taken prisoner in the Fenian raids into Canada, and calling on the Johnson administration to recognize a lawful state of war between Ireland and England. In 1867 Grant personally intervened with David Bell and Michael Scanlon to move their paper, the Irish Republic, articulate in its support for black equality, to New York from Chicago.

Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC concluded that Missouri’s political contribution limits did not infringe on First Amendment rights of free... Boy Scouts of America v. Dale Boy Scouts of America v. Dale ruled that the Boy Scouts had the First Amendment expressive association right to revoke the membership of a gay assistant... Avis Rent-a-Car System v. Aguilar Avis Rent-a-Car System v. Aguilar dealt with derogatory remarks in the workplace.

Most important, they authorized the federal government to intervene when states did not act. Urged by Grant and his Attorney General Amos T. Akerman, the strongest of these laws was the Ku Klux Klan Act, passed on April 20, 1871, that authorized the president to impose martial law and suspend the writ of habeas corpus. In nearly all ex-Confederate states, Republican coalitions set out to transform Southern society. Army both aimed to implement a post-slavery free labor economy, protect the legal rights of freedmen, negotiate labor contracts, and helped establish networks of schools and churches.

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Republican legislatures, coalitions of Whites and Blacks, established the first public school systems and numerous charitable institutions in the South. White paramilitary organizations, especially the Ku Klux Klan as well as the White League and Red Shirts, formed with the political aim of driving out the Republicans. They also disrupted political organizing and terrorized Blacks to bar them from the polls. President Grant used federal power to effectively shut down the KKK in the early 1870s, though the other, smaller groups continued to operate.

President Grant had already removed troops from Florida, before Hayes was inaugurated, and troops from the other Reconstruction states had long since been withdrawn. Hayes appointed David M. Key from Tennessee, a Southern Democrat, to the position of postmaster general. By 1879, thousands of African American "Exodusters" packed up and headed to new opportunities in Kansas. The campaigns and elections of 1876 were marked by additional murders and attacks on Republicans in Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. In South Carolina the campaign season of 1876 was marked by murderous outbreaks and fraud against freedmen.

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